Admission to the school is mainly in the LKG. Admission to Pre – KG is started in the Academic year 2023-2024. Admission to other classes depend on vacancies that arise due to withdrawals. A child seeking admission in LKG should be 31⁄2 years old on or before 1st of June of the school year.
Every student should produce the birth ceritificate or the transfer certificates depending on the classes to which they are admitted. All students seeking admission should be staying with their parents or guardians.
For Std. I to Std. X the school follows CBSE guidlines and assessment is based on the academic achievements, discipline, subject enrichment activities etc. For XI & XII monthly tests will be conducted, other than terminal & final examinations.
Withdrawal of a student during a school year is not generally allowed.However, if a student is to be withdrawn for reasons beyond the control of the parent/guardian one calendar month’s notice must be given. Transfercertificates will be issued only after all dues are cleared.